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Oct 12, 2007

Akhirnya PIN AdSense ku datang juga

Sesuai dengan perkiraannku kemarin Sabtu (6/10/07) PIN Google AdSense datang dianter ke rumah. PIN dengan kombinasi 6 angka itu baru datang setelah 3 minggu penantian yang panjang.

Namun yang perlu diperhatikan adalah saya diberi tahu kalau PIN tersebut dikirim setelah earning saya mencapai $60 bukan $50.

As according me, yesterday Saturday (6/10/07) Google AdSense PIN came to my home. PIN with 6 number combinations newly come after 3 long waiting week. But which need to be paid attention I’m informed if the PIN sent after my earning reach $ 60, non $ 50.

Terkait dengan hal ini, semangat menjalankan GA yang akhir-akhir ini agak kendor, semakin menggebu-gebu untuk menjemput cek pertamaku. Lalu bagaimana dengan teman-teman? Tetap semangat….. itu kata Letto.

Safe your AdSense….
Bravo Semarang Publishers.

Aug 30, 2007

Dasar Wong Malaysia

Malaysia emang kterlaluan. Masak dg serumpunnya sperti itu. Main pukul
main tendang, minta maaf sulitnya minta ampun.
Bs aja orang Indo membalas, dengan mensabotase website adsense mereka,
tp nggk usah lah. Tapi kelakuan orang malaysia emang amat keterlaluan,
ada tamu dari negara lain, nggak disambut dengan baik2, eh malah main
pukul. Tambah lg tu pemerintahannya yg nggk mau minta maaf.
Beda dg indo ya..

Aug 19, 2007

Train Accident

Almost every week we often heard accident caused by train, national train system is bad. Whether resulted from intention natural factor or people. More hard again, accident in Gubug countryside Grobogan sub-province, resulted is rel as place the way train intend to be cut by one who do not want to think length to the what will happened

Really embarrass deed able to profit own self but harm others.

Journey use train besides quicker cheaper also compared to other land transport. But this ill assorted matter with payment to often we earn like pickpocket which rampant progressively.

Aug 16, 2007

Jadwal Kuliah

Berikut Adalah Jadwal kuliah yang aku ambil, untuk semester 5. Doakan biar nilai mendatang bagus :

Nama :
NIM : 41014050XX Semester : Gasal tahun 2007/2008
Program Studi : Pend. Matematika, S1 Kode Wali : 4151
Fakultas : FMIPA Nama Wali : Iwan Junaedi

1 KB411272 Telaah Kurikulum Matematika 2 2 41014003 Darmo 301-302 D2 113
2 KK411093 Evaluasi Proses dan HPM 3 41014001 Kartono 101-103 D2 313
3 KK411073 Dasar Proses Pembelajaran Matematika 1 3 41014002 Mohammad Asikin 401-403 D2 313
4 KK411622 Workshop Pendidikan Matematika 1 2 41014003 Sugiarto
Hery Sutarto
201-202 WORKSHOP
5 KB411233 Matematika Diskrit 3 41014002 Amin Suyitno 107-109 D2 111
6 KK411112 Dasar-dasar Penelitian Pendidikan 2 41014001 Edy Soedjoko 203-204 D2 210
7 KB410123 Program Linier 3 41014005 Endang Sugiharti 303-305 D2 113
8 KB410193 Analisis Real 1 3 41014006 St. Budi Waluya 407-409 D2 313

I can to take my website again

After struggle by hard, I can to taking my website control. Although,
it still any problem about my web structure.
thank to my friends who help me to resolved it.
thank to Muhaimin, Sabiq. . Thank alot
I'm faith you
Visit my Home ;

Aug 15, 2007

Bencana itu telah berakhir

Akhirnya setelah berjuang panjang, address blog saya yaitu basyar-mania dapat saya pegang lagi.
lalu apa Alhamdulillah. .

Kalau begitu saya akan melanjutkan bisnis adsense saya.

jangan seneng dulu. .

Jangan mengganti alamat blogger anda sembarangan!!

Anda jangan gampang-gampang mengganti nama atau alamat blogspot anda. Karena saya telah mengalami pahitnya
diserobotnya address name bloggerku yang udah sangat terkenal dan banyak visitornya.

Karena pengunjung webku sebagian besar berasal dari Search engine google. Oleh karena itu, berpikirlah dua kali sebelum anda memutuskan unt mengganti alamat blogger anda.

Aug 14, 2007

Memulai hidup baru

Berkenaan dg diakuisasinya websiteku yg dulu<a
href="http://basyar-mania.blogspot.com">Mas Basy Blog</a> secara
paksa, maka saya tidak bertanggung jawab atas isi kontennya.
Oleh karena itu Saya harus berjuang dari awal lagi <sambil menangis>.
Visit my Home ;

Aug 9, 2007

Info terbaru Reuni SMA N 1 Kudus 2005

Anak2 lulusan 2005 SMA 1 kudus akan
mengadakan reuni pada tgl 17 oktober...rencananya di GOR wergu kudus...
biaya 25000 ditransfer ke rekening BNI
0099-936385 a.n Mutiara Ika Pratiwi
BNI kantor capem ambarukmo yogyakarta.
bukti transfer disimpan bt tiket masuknya
> tolong temen2 yg baca pesan ini menyebarkan ke teman2 yang lain

Aug 7, 2007

Microsoft confirms 360 price drop, guns for PS2 owners

Microsoft today confirmed the 360 price drop, saying they timed it for August to coincide with the launch of Madden in an attempt to lure Playstation gamers from the PS2 to the Xbox 260.

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The FBI Can't Link Bin Laden to 9/11? Why Is This Not News?

The statement saying the FBI had no hard evidence was released in June of 2006. The implication is that the FBI doesn't believe the video constitutes hard evidence of Usama Bin Laden's involvement.

read more | digg story

Aug 6, 2007

Cara Daftar Google AdSense

Cara Daftar Google AdSense

Saat ini bangsa Indonesia sedang berusaha memajukan SDM nya, kita sebagai penduduk Indonesia harus mendukung diantaranya melalui pundi-pundi Dollar dari google adsense. Kalau saya katakan, sudah saatnya kita menjadi Pebisnis Dunia Maya. Lau, Mengapa harus Google AdSense? Karena nilai per Kliknya sangat tinggi.
Untuk mendaftar pada Google Adsense (GA), meliputi beberapa langkah. Yang perlu anda lakukan sebelum mendaftar ke google adsense adalah anda harus memiliki website yang bahasa utamanya adalah Bahasa Yang didukung GA, diantaranya bahasa inggris. Bahasa Indonesia belum diakui. Kemudian kamu jangan beranggapan bahwa mencari uang/duit lewat google adsense adalah "mudah" seperti yang dikatakan Masternya AdSense Cosa Aranda. Saya saja ngos-ngosan…

Jika anda tidak termasuk dalam kriteria di atas, jangan melanjutkan untuk mendaftar di GA. Mengapa? Karena percuma saja.
Namun jika anda termasuk dalam kriteria di atas boleh dicoba untuk mendaftar Google AdSense.

Caranya mudah, Masuk ke link yang ada di bawah "Sign Up for Adsense Here Now!!" , tu ada di bawah dengan judul Program yang menghasilkan uang di ...

Lalu isi semua formnya dengan benar. Yang perlu anda perhatikan adalah Isi setting bahasa website atau blog anda dengan bahasa Inggris. Dan tulis alamat anda dengan benar termasuk negaranya.

Lalu apa selanjutnya, ya berdo'a semoga ketrima.
Biasanya setelah 2-3 hari akan ada email balasan dari google, yang isinya selamat datang di Google Adsense…

Berikut saya tuliskan Pengalaman menarik dan aneh saya, mulai dari mendaftar-diterima-sampai setelah diterima yang semoga bermanfaat.

- Saya pernah mendaftarkan menggunakan "web seseorang" (tidak saya kenal) untuk ikut program google adsense. Karena waktu itu saya malas buat website baru. Anehnya…. Permohonan saya diterima. Padahal waktu itu hanya iseng-iseng. Bagi teman-teman mungkin juga bisa mencoba cara gilaku itu. yang ketrima dulu.

- Setelah diterima, yang saya lakukan waktu itu adalah promosi dan promosi. Lalu kemana promosinya :

Mendaftarkan ke search engine google, yahoo, dmoz.org dll. Untung ada orang Indonesia yang telah menyediakan form gratis dan panduannya untuk mendaftar secara otomatis ke Search engine (mesin pencari). Masuk aja ke sini…

Tulis link anda di Profil FriendSter anda. Ini juga akan menambah visitor anda.

Promosi melalui pihak ketiga:
kamu bisa cari di mesin pencari dengan keyword 'free submit search engine'.

Salah satunya yang saya gunakan adalah websquash.com. namun sebagai imbalannya anda akan memperoleh email spam atau email sampah. Menurutku nggak masalah yang penting Visitor kita banyak (sudah saya buktikan).

Langkah terakhir ya.. berdo'a, mau apalagi kita kan sudah berusaha (jujur) …

Tidak lah orang jadi kaya hanya semalam saja… Namun butuh pengorbanan…
by basyar_mbs

Aug 5, 2007

Google AdSense vs Opera Mini

(Bahasa Indonesia di bawah)
I choose this title because waiting both each other is interconnected. Opera Mini represents Java application destined for the Mobile user, in surfing illusory world. With mini opera, we will be facilitated to open pages have HTML, HTM, and also PHP format. Though mobile phone with High-End level has owned Netfront but Opera Mini has high speed access because the data is sent by compressed beforehand.

Then what is it relation with Google AdSense. Like this, if we open a website with desktop computer or notebook, Ads from Google AdSense will be emerged normally. But if we open a website with opera mini by direct click (typing direct address at Address bar) hence Ads from Google AdSense didn’t want to emerge. Till now I not yet knew it’s caused. But if we go to a website (attached by AdSense) passing Google Search Engine or pass Gmail, AdSense can be emerged.
Nah, What I intend AdSense vs Opera Mini is if we click Ads from the Google AdSense so after two-day (experience alone) you'd get love letter alias memoranda. Why memoranda? Maybe Google team indecisive about truth of invalid click, trough IP proxy of Opera Mini.
Become its conclusion don't click AdSense advertisement yourself nor property of others. Insane equally have done sabotage.

Saya mengambil judul ini karena nanti keduanya saling berkaitan. Opera Mini merupakan aplikasi Java yang diperuntukkan untuk pengguna Mobile, dalam berselancar di dunia maya. Dengan opera mini kita akan dimudahkan membuka halaman berformat HTML, HTM, maupun PHP. Meskipun HP dengan High-end level sudah memiliki NetFront namun tetap Opera Mini tetap yang terdepan dengan kecepatan akses karena data yang dikirim dikompres terlebih dahulu.

Lalu apa hubungannya dengan Google Adsense. Begini, jika kita membuka suatu website dengan komputer desktop atau notebook maka Website yang dipasangi Google AdSense akan menampilkan iklan secara normal. Tapi jika kita membuka website dengan opera mini secara direct click (mengetikkan alamat langsung pada Address bar) maka Iklan dari google AdSense tidak mau muncul. Sampai saat ini saya belum mengetahui penyebabnya. Namun jika kita menuju suatu website (dipasangi AdSense) melalui mesin pencari google atau lewat Gmail maka AdSense baru bisa muncul.

Lah, Yang saya maksud AdSense vs Opera Mini adalah jika kita mengklik Iklan dari google adsense tersebut maka setelah dua hari (pengalaman sendiri) anda akan mendapat surat cinta alias surat peringatan. Mengapa surat peringatan? mungkin tim Google ragu tentang kebenaran invalid klik yang dihasilkan melalui IP proxy nya Opera Mini.
Jadi kesimpulannya jangan melakukan klik pada iklan AdSense milik sendiri atau pun milik orang lain dengan opera mini kamu. Dengan kata lain tak sadar telah melakukan sabotase.

Top teen Asia Pacific Operators

Over the the last few quarters there has been little or no change at the
top of the list of of the Asia Pacific region's largest operators. China
mobile is still the number one and is still by far the largest mobile
operator in the world, with the best part of 300M customers as at
December 2006. However, this is not to suggest that the Asia Pacific
mobile market is anything other than highly dynamic - five of the ten
largest companies in the region were not in the top ten last year and
two were barely in the top 20.
The main difference between this year and the end of 2005 is the
appearance of no fewer than five companies from the Indian
sub-continent, four of them from India itself. At the end of December,
as noted, China Mobile headed the list with 299.9m customers, or 28.7%
of the region's 1.05bn total. This, in fact represents a material loss
of regional market share, as one year earlier the number one accounted
for over 30% of the region's 817m customers. China Unicom, the world's
second largest national operator shared the same fate - but to an even
greater degree. It closed the year with a total of 142.4m customers, or
13.6% of the regional total. That's a full two percentage points down on
the 2005 figure. This is by far the largest drop in market share in the
region and in fact, it is measurable on global scale- Unicom accounted
for 5.86% of the 2005's subscribers but only 5.26% of the 2006 total.
Only one other member of the top ten - Japan's KDDI - accounted for a
decline proportion of the global total year on year. Japan has two
representatives on the list, the aforementioned KDDI and DoCoMo, which
is the third largest company in the region. the Japanese number one
ended 2006 with 52.2m customers almost exactly 5% of the regional total.
This is a marginal year on year increase, which is mirrored at the
global level with a rise from 1.84% to 1.93% Fourth place is taken by
Telkomsel, as it was last year.
The Indonesian number one is some way behind DoCoMo, with 35.6m
customers, and the main threat to DoCoMo's third place probably comes
from further west, from India, Indian companies account for four of the
remaining six places and as we shall see in the next section, all are
growing dramatically Bharti is the largest of the four, with 31.97m
customers, which gives it fifth place. It was eighth last year. During
the last twelve months Bharti has added more than one percent to its
regional market share, which has risen from 2.00% to 3.06%. It now has
comfortably more than one percent of the global market. Bharti's growth
has been matched by Reliance, which has moved into the top ten from 11th
place last year. It ended 2006 with just under 30m customers, or 2.87%
regional market share. The next company is on the way down - and perhaps
out- of the top ten, KDDI added a fair number of customers to close 2006
with 25.48m, but dropped from fifth to seventh lossing relative status
along the way in 2005, it had a 2.60% market share in the region and
just under one percent globally:; these percentages have now dropped
from 2.44% to 0.94% respectively. With numbers eight, nine and ten all
growing far faster, a drom to tenth next year seems inevitable. KDDI is
helped by the fact that numbers 11 to 16 are all heading in the same
(relative) direction. India's BSNL seems certain to overtake it, if not
in the first quarter, then the second. BSNL moved up from 13th to
eighth, ending the year with 23.62m customers, for a gain of just under
0.5% in regional market share.
However, BSNL's position is not invulnerable and in all probability, it
will be overtaken by its national rival Hutch, which Vodafones is in the
process of acquiring. Hutch has moved from 16th to ninth, the largest
positional gain over the year. It began the period with 1.40% market
share and ended it with 2.23%, which equates to 23.3m customers Finally,
tenth place is taken by Pakistan Mobile., which now has 22.49m
customers. It too moved up seven places during the year, but added
slightly less to its market share in the process than Hutch. What of the
rest of last year's list? The sub-continentals have relegated them to a
position outside the regional top ten and in all probability that is
where they will remain from now on.
SK Telecom, last year's number six is now eleventh, AIS is down from
seventh to twelfth place, Smart has fallen from ninth to 13th and
Softbank, the former Vodafone Japan, has collapsed to 16th, after tenth
last year. Proportionately, the largest losers were SK and Softbank,
which now account for 45bp and 37bp less of the regional market than
they did last year. We should point out here that as at the tome of
writing we await with baited breath news of the effects of the Indian
Department of Telecommunications mobile customer verification procedure.
Preliminary figures from CDMA/GSM operator Reliance show that
disconnections from unverified accounts amount for 15% of its total
base, and the numbers could be worse from the pure GSM companies.
However, whilst the Indian operators may fall in the rankings as a
result, the cull is a one-off, and there us no doubt that they will
quickly recover the lost ground.

Cellity free SMS

(bahasa Indonesia di bawah)
Cellity Free SMS is a java platform application that worthwhile for you which wish to send free sms. This application earns direct download from www.getjar.com or wap version wap.getjar.com. Its size measure very dinky and require java midp2 to be able running it. I have tried to send sms with cellity and succeed. Sms go to target. What important to remember is your mobile gprs should be active.

Cellity free sms adalah aplikasi berplatform java yang bermanfaat untuk kamu-kamu yang ingin mengirim sms secara gratis. Aplikasi ini dapat didownload langsung dari www.getjar.com atau versi wap-nya wap.getjar.com. Ukurannya sangat mungil dan membutuhkan java midp2 untuk dapat menjalankannya. Saya sudah mencoba mengirim sms dengan cellity dan berhasil. Sms sampai ditujuan. Yang perlu diingat adalah gprs mobile anda harus sudah aktif. Ya pake indosat biar murah.

Aug 4, 2007

Manage Your Life via SMS

The command line's making a comeback, but the terminal window, keyword launcher and search box aren't the only textual command interfaces- your cell phone has joined the party. More and more modern webapps let you interact with your data via SMS, updating and retrieving your information in the cloud on the go.

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Show Us Your Non-Firefox Browser

Firefox is a helluva web browser, and we've enjoyed four weeks of user-submitted Firefox browsers, but it's time to turn to our other web browser offerings. This week we're taking a look at user-submitted screenshots of their non-Firefox browsers, and I can tell you ahead of time that you're bound to be impressed.

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Windows Vista: the "Oww!!" Starts Now

An open letter to Microsoft explaining why they are a thing of the past. With all the new M$ advertising that will featured on Digg, we should use the Microsoft section for ad parodies and other fun stuff!

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Bill Gates: "I Still Plan to Leave Microsoft Next Year"

Despite the company being challenged on all sides by competition, Google especially, he still plans to move on.

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Microsoft HD Photo considered for standardization by JPEG committee

Microsoft's ongoing attempt to establish its own photo format as a JPEG alternative (and potential successor) took another step forward today when the JPEG standards group agreed to consider HD Photo (originally named Windows Media Photo) as a standard.

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I just got my iPhone back from Apple

MacGyver and Apple both know a good tool when they see one. Check out the "Official iPhone Tool" they included with my warranty service packet.

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Google Phone (Linux OS)

Google is producing a Linux based cell phone and courting US and European wireless service providers

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Intel Release New Four-Core 45nm "Penryn" processors Q4 2007

Intel will be launching new four core 45nm Intel Core Extreme "Penryn" processors in Q4 2007, a few months ahead of schedule. The top of the line proc. is likely to hit 3.33GHz, run a 1333MHz system bus and hold 12MB of L2 cache.

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Mozilla has Been Releases Hacker Tools

Mozilla is beginning to give away programs used by both the good guys and the bad guys to discover critical program vulnerabilities. The programs, called fuzzers, have so far been for internal use only. Fuzzers poke at programs in search...

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PlayStation (PS) 3 complications caused GTA IV delay

Analyst Michael Pachter believes Rockstar has delayed the release of Grand Theft Auto IV because it is struggling with development on the PlayStation 3.

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Jul 30, 2007

SMA 1 Kudus mau reunian nee alumni 2005

Finally, this is a good news. This news came from mbak Isna <lewat
adik ku dulu> about reuni sma 1 n Kudus angkatan tahun 2005 . For this
event we just pay $2,1 to Gunawan alias pam-pam. So, hurry Up. .
Rencananya mau diadakan di mana ya. . Kalo di Skul entar di usir
mbah mak...
peace from the Graduated of alam ke 2

Sent from my Mobile Phone through Movamail
The fastest way to get Hotmail, Yahoo, GMail, POP3, IMAP and more on
your Mobile Phone
Try it for free today at http://www.movamail.com

Jul 29, 2007

Hidup Irak, Akhirnya menang juga

Akhirnya Irak juara piala asia. Semoga membawa persatuan untuk Irak.
Tulisan ini kutulis tepat saat penyerahan Man of the Match. Iraq
peace. . No people kill people, no gun kill people . . .

Sent from my Mobile Phone through Movamail
The fastest way to get Hotmail, Yahoo, GMail, POP3, IMAP and more on
your Mobile Phone
Try it for free today at http://www.movamail.com

Jul 25, 2007

AdSense topics

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Gmail attachement tip

Way of to Attach files with extension "exe" in Gmail

You know, if we sending email with attachment that contain "exe" file in delivering e-mail in Gmail do not be enabled. This matter is I have experienced. Maybe, this concerning data traffic security that protected from dangerous T r o j a n or v i r u s.
Then, how to deceiving Gmail?
Ahead, I have tried to deliver opera application and some files, which is just I download. Because at that time I did not bring flashdisk, hence I intend backing up it by sending enamel accompanied by opera and other software attachment. This matter so that my activity at that time did not without effect ( internet café "Warnet" still is costly).
In the reality after I try ini many times refused also.
Mentioned Exe file, I compressed it with WinRar. In this case, I did not forget to give password with encrypt file names, which have been provided by WinRar.
Alhamdulillah, mentioned file, which have Rar extension attach with sent success e-mail smoothly.

Free Software tool

The best free software for Blogger

Tool Blogger
To facilitate you in Blogging, there is very good software that is from w.bloggar.com. with this blogger tool, you can to write yours blog article by offline. This is very be of benefit to you which wish to economize internet bandwidth.
You can download this Software in w.bloggar.com
This Software is very easy to operated, without require complicating setting. Only with once press, your article can easy to publish.

Opera Mini 3.1
This Software has very famous. As according to its name Opera representing made by web browser from Sun Microsystem. Opera Mini is wrote by Java language for phone that support by Java Platform (MIDP2). Try to Install this software to your HP, because opera mini can open website page (html, php, xhtml) also it can download Jpeg, Bmp file and Audio (MP3 and MIDI).
I used Opera Mini to check email, writing article (Blog), Check Adsense, Friendster, and read e-Newspaper. You can download it by Visiting operamini.Com (wapsite goto mini.opera.com) or Getjar.Com ( wapsite goto wap.getjar.com). You can try Opera mini 4 the New beta Version.

PLTN Nuklir

PLTN In Semenanjung Muria, Why Not?

A PLTN. Aqueous vapour Non-Radioactive go out from cooler tower which in form of hyperboloid. Nuclear reactor located in containment building, which in form of is cylindrical.

Nuclear power related to usage in control nuclear reaction in a reactor. This reactor yield energy used for the power station (for peace) and bomb (War).
In nuclear physics, a nuclear reaction is a process where two nuclear particle or nuklei have smash-up, to produce different result from product early. In principle, a reaction can entangle more than two particles, which have smash-up, but the occurrences very rare. When particle collide head-on and apart without changing (except possible in energy level ), this process referred as collision and a non reaction.

Recognized two nuclear reaction that are nuclear fusion and nuclear fissile reaction. Nuclear Fusion Reaction is reaction of forge two or more atomic nucleus become new atom and yield energy, also known as reaction of clean. Reaction of nuclear Fissile is reaction of atom nuclear fission effect of other atomic nucleus smash-up, and yield new atom and energy, which a period to smaller, and electromagnetic radiation. Fusion reaction also yields alpha rays radiation, gamma and beta that are very dangerous to human being.

Element that often used in reaction of nuclear fissile is Plutonium and Uranium (especially Plutonium-239, Uranium-235); while in nuclear fusion reaction is Lithium and Hydrogen (especially Lithium-6, Deuterium, Tritium).
Usage of nuclear power utilizes importance of human being in this time still limited to reaction of nuclear fission.
In Indonesia will immediately wake up nuclear reactor that is have place central Java, Bangsri Jepara. But happened mass deduction by government and people in Kudus. Care the happening of leakage of nuclear reactor become especial reason.
Indonesia require to have nuclear reactor as road of single fulfilling requirement energy in country.
Nuclear weapon is weapon-getting energy from nuclear reaction and have awful destroyer energy - a nuclear bomb can annihilate a town. Nuclear weapon have been used only twice in encounter - during World War II by United States to Japan Hiroshima Nagasaki and town.
1 Nuclear Ton TNT Bomb = Calorie = 1 Giga Calorie = 4,184 Giga Joule.
Nuclear State Owner weapon which is confirmation: United States, Russia, Great Briton (English), French, RRC, India and Pakistan. Besides, Israel state trusted to have nuclear weapon, although didn't test and Israel shy at confirmation do owning nuclear weapon.

Indonesian Enabled

Welcome Indonesia publisher. Goods news comes from Google Adsense. Indonesian accepted in overall language supported in Google Adsense. However, Adsense for search only which maybe put in page have Indonesian. For ad unit and referral unit still not yet been permitted
You can also alter especial Language in Google Adsense page with Indonesian included in TOS / Policies page.

Promulgating concerning for Indonesian support, it is sent by Adsense support team member of Jeanie Santoso. From his name, familiar sound, is not? Possibility Jeanie Santoso comes from Indonesia. I am proud…
Attendance Indonesian people in overall Google Adsense support team give up Positive impact. Because, we can direct take counsel with Santoso, with contacting direct him use Indonesian.
I hope that in the future, Adsense for content and Adsense for referral also allow putting on page have Indonesian language.
Hore hore…

Google Web Accelerator

Yesterday, I try the newest software from Google, which according to him can improve speed access our internet, especially to friends, which is surfing from Internet Café (Warnet). This Software called by Google Web accelerator.
After I download it (the size about 1,65 MB), I try using it on firefox mozilla. In the reality, its inappropriate expectation result.
At first, I try to open "http://aku.punya.web.id", after some my second await; in the reality, error page is happen. I try once again, error, error page. Because sulking, I set mind on to close Google web accelerator. Then, I try to open "http://aku.punya.web.id" again without it, finally walk at ease.
Maybe, mentioned caused, I cannot do right setting. To friend that know this setting, can share here.
To download Google Web Accelerator go to http://webaccelerator.google.com.

Jul 24, 2007

Percantik FS mu

Beautifying Friendster Profile (Mempercantik Friendster)

**Put Search Engine Google into FriendSter Profile

-----------------Start Cut Below-----------------------

<form method="get" action="http://www.google.co.id/custom"

<table bgcolor="#1E83B3" width="400"><tbody><tr><td
align="left" height="32" nowrap="nowrap" valign="top">

<a href="http://www.google.com/"><br>

<img src="http://www.google.com/logos/Logo_25wht.gif" align="middle" border="0"
width="120" height="41"></a><br>


<label for="sbi" style="display: none;">Enter your search terms</label><br>

<input name="q" size="31" maxlength="255" value="Mas Basy"
id="sbi" type="text">


</td></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top">

<label for="sbb" style="display: none;">Submit search form</label>

<input name="sa" value=" Cari " id="sbb"

<input name="client" value="pub-5892611589424691" type="hidden">

<input name="forid" value="1" type="hidden">

<input name="ie" value="ISO-8859-1" type="hidden">

<input name="oe" value="ISO-8859-1" type="hidden">

<input name="safe" value="active" type="hidden">

<input name="cof"

<input name="hl" value="en" type="hidden"></td></tr></tbody></table></form>

------------------End Cut-----------------

Copy lalu paste-lah kode diatas ke Bagian Profil Friendster anda, pada bagian
About Me
atau Who I want to meet.

Kode yang berwarna merah, dapat anda ganti sesuka anda.
untuk kode ...bgcolor=#1E83B3"... merupakan
warna untuk background, This below is alternate code:
#D43C83, #9AECB5,
#717475, #FAEBBA, #00FFFF, #DEDEDE

**Putting Image ke Profil FS

Format Kode yang harus anda tulis adalah :
<img border="0" src="http://www.friendster.com/photos/22768736/0/611157402.jpg"
width="320" height="150">

Red Code menunjukkan Picture Location anda. Untuk mengetahui lokasi (Source) gambar, caranya klik kanan
pada gambar yang pingin anda masukkan (Bisa milik FS teman), lalu Klik
Properties. Pehatikan bahwa Source gambar selalu diakhiri oleh: jpg, bmp, png, atau gif.

**Insert Website Link ke Profil FS

Contoh Kodenya : 
<a href="http://www.google.co.co.id/"
target="_blank" title="Klik Here">Google Search Engine</a>
terlihat seperti ini Google
Search Engine

*Memberi Iklan Iseng di Profil FS

Code Example :

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "pub-5892611589424691";

google_ad_width = 468;
google_ad_height = 60;
google_ad_format = "468x60_as";
google_ad_type = "text";
google_ad_channel = "";
google_ui_features = "rc:0";
<script type="text/javascript"

*Kadang berhasil kadang juga gagal.
**All Code hanya dapat diletakkan di
bagian About me, Who I want to meet, Comment, Atau Website Anda. 
**All code,
I got it by my experience. So you don't worry if sued.


You may copy, but mention this. Copy from

Shania Twain - (Wanna Get To Know You) That Good!
Album: Up!

I'll be there when you're sleepin'
and every hour you're awake
I wann hear your secrets--
wanna share your worries
Wanna go the deepest--
I don't wanna hurry
I wanna take a lifetime to
memorize your face
Wanna hold you closer--kiss you longer
Wanna hear your heartbeat--
stronger and stronger

Wanna know you all over
Till I know you be heart
Gotta know you with all that I got

I wanna know you that good!
Like no one knows you
Gonna reach way down deep in your mind
I wanna get to know you--
wanna get to know you
Wanna get to know you that good

Gonna know you right through
You know I want to
So badly it hurts all the time
I wanna get to know you--
wanna get to know you
Wanna get to know you that good
Yeah, I wanna know you that good

Every feel of your fingers-
every curl in your hair
Don't wanna miss a minute--
wanna be right in it
Do everything you're doin'--
go everywhere you're goin'

Wanna know you all over
Till I know you by heart
Gotta know you with all that I got

[Repeat Chorus]

I wanna know you that good
Wanna know your emotions--
wanna taste every tear
Wanna hear you breathin'--
feel what your feelin'
I wanna get to know
Know you that good!
Like no one knows you
Gonna reach way down deep in your mind
I wanna get to know you--
wanna get to know
I wanna get to know you--
wanna get to know
Wanna get to know you
To know you
I wanna know you by heart
I wanna know you that good

How to making Read More in New Blogger

<Bahasa Indonesia ada di bawah>

To make read more in new Blogger, it is easy. So long as you follow order
following step by step

Step 1:

Sign In to your blogger account, go to dashboard, choose html-edit tab layout,
Back-Up your template before. And don't forget to tick expand widget templates,
last Enhance javascript code below, put precisely before </ head>-tag

<script type='text/javascript' src='http://www.anniyalogam.com/widgets/hackosphere.js'>

Step 2:

Searching Code < id='post b:includable' var='post'> in your template, and alter
in such a way till like below.
(Rose colored Article is article which must be
enhanced). Remember don't there is less.

<b:includable id='post' var='post'>

<div class='post'>

<a expr:name='data:post.id'/>

<b:if cond='data:post.title'>

<h3 class='post-title'>

<b:if cond='data:post.url'>

<a expr:href='data:post.url'><data:post.title/></a>






<div class='post-header-line-1'/>

<div class='post-body'

expr:id='"post-" + data:post.id'>

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>



<style>#fullpost {display:none;}</style>


<span id='showlink'>

<p><a expr:onclick='"javascript:showFull(\"post-" + data:post.id + "\");"'
href='javascript:void(0);'>Read More...</a></p>


<span id='hidelink' style='display:none'>

<p><a expr:onclick='"javascript:hideFull(\"post-" + data:post.id + "\");"'
href='javascript:void(0);'>Summary only...</a></p>


<script type='text/javascript'>checkFull("post-" + "<data:post.id/>")</script>


<div style='clear: both;'/> <!-- clear for
photos floats -->



.... rest of template code ....

And then save your edit template, by clicking save.

Step 3:

Choose Settings tab step into Formatting tab, at under Post Template there is
empty box, copy this code and paste into the empty box.

type your summary here
<span id="fullpost">

type the rest of summary here </span>

then save your setting.

Other Ways

If you lazy to follow step above. Please download example of
complete template with
read more here
. Later;Then don't forget to continue step 3.

Attention :

This Template used minima white 3 column. Automatically widget which you keep
will be deleted.

Cara Membuat Read More di Blogger

Untuk membuat read more di new Blogger, cukup mudah. Asalkan anda mengikuti

aturan berikut langkah per langkah.


Sign In ke akun blogger anda , masuk ke dashboard, pilih layout tab-edit html,
Back-up terlebih dahulu template kita dan jangan lupa kasih centang pada expand
widget templates, lalu Tambahkan kode javascript dibawah ini,
letakan persis sebelum </head>-tag.

<script type='text/javascript'

langkah 2:

Cari kode

<b:includable id='post' var='post'>
di dalam template, dan ubah
sedemikian hingga seperti dibawah ini. (Tulisan berwarna merah adalah tulisan
yang harus anda tambahkan). Ingat jangan sampai ada yang kurang ya.

<b:includable id='post' var='post'>

<div class='post'>

<a expr:name='data:post.id'/>

<b:if cond='data:post.title'>

<h3 class='post-title'>

<b:if cond='data:post.url'>

<a expr:href='data:post.url'><data:post.title/></a>






<div class='post-header-line-1'/>

<div class='post-body'

expr:id='"post-" + data:post.id'>

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>



<style>#fullpost {display:none;}</style>


<span id='showlink'>

<p><a expr:onclick='"javascript:showFull(\"post-" + data:post.id + "\");"'
href='javascript:void(0);'>Read More...</a></p>


<span id='hidelink' style='display:none'>

<p><a expr:onclick='"javascript:hideFull(\"post-" + data:post.id + "\");"'
href='javascript:void(0);'>Summary only...</a></p>


<script type='text/javascript'>checkFull("post-" + "<data:post.id/>")</script>


<div style='clear: both;'/> <!-- clear for
photos floats -->



.... rest of template code ....

kemudian Save template.

langkah 3:

Pilih tab Settings lalu masuk ke Formatting tab,
pada bagian paling bawah pada Post Template ada kotak kosong, copy paste kode di
bawah ini ke dalam kotak kosong tersebut.

ketik tulisan yang ingin ditampilkan

<span id="fullpost">

ketik sisanya di sini.


kemudian Save Settings. Selesai.

Cara Lain

Jika anda malas mengikuti langkah di atas. Silahkan download contoh
template lengkap
dengan read more disini
. Kemudian jangan lupa
lanjutkan langkah 3.

Perhatian :

Template ini menggunakan minima white 3 kolom. Secara otomatis widget yang anda
simpan akan terhapus.

Jul 13, 2007

Tool Blogger

Alternatif Untuk Ngeblog, Gunakan w.bloggar....

Jul 6, 2007

Four reasons, why you ought not to use Filter for the block of cheap ads

There are four reasons why you ought not to use Filter for the block of cheap ads

1. How if the advertisement have high CTR performances?

For example, valuable advertisement "A" had 0.01$ per click, and valuable "B" advertisement had 0.1$ per click. Coincidence of Advertiser "A" is reliable marketer and he had knocked techniques writing of advertisement taught by Rich Jerk so that ad A article lure for the click of. On the contrary, ad B written by promiscuously, likes something “Here for Click …” and it can to make tired of visitor to pay a visit. Therefore, it is not true that is better of ad of "A" maintain

2. How if there is other advertisement for the sites or even is same which page; but it had higher bid value?

Along with Adwords growth, back-end to advertiser on Adsense, scenario above it very conducive to happened. One sites can have some advertisement assess bid each differing. So, our loss if we block the sites.

3. How if in a moment advertiser boost up the advertisement bid value?

Real Advertiser usually considers many matters to determine their advertisement bid value. Season factor for example. It Can natural existence, ad about noel tree will bounce up its value in December and gloomy return in other months.

4. How if amount of advertisement in supply to this topic which related to Your sites its limited amount?

Need's not to be explained by elaborate. If in inventory there is 1-2 advertisement stock, and coincidence of its small value, it be conceived by what happened their of block? So, you will looks PSA (Public Service Ad)

How to promote your blogs and website

After finishing making blog, we must promote or introducing blog property of you at crowded world. If content, sharing, poem, short story, your opinion and you're writing that posted didn't read people, what is going on?

The following blog promotion stages; steps

(1) Registering in directory blog

Registering blog to various blog directories (directory blog). At least, registering in fourth popular and biggest directory blog, that is ( a) http://technorati.com ( b) http://feeburner.com (c) http://blogdigger.com (d) Open Directory (OpenDmoz.org). Follow entire guide at third the directory blog when enlisting.

This Directory Bogs later automatically will send your blog data's and you're posted to various engine searches, including three big engine searches that is http://google.com, http://msn.com, http://yahoo.com

(2) Link-Trade, Link Exchange or Convert Link

Invite your friend, have blog to each other converting link. Link Your URL on their blog, and don't forget you also enter/include your friend blog link into your blog. In the world of blog, this is referred as also BLOGROLL term. And this Blogroll one of the cause quickly blog popularities in all the world, defeating ordinary website.

Blogroll or link-exchange do not have to through request, it can also with each other is unsalaried. For example, there is a blogger (blog owner) who install Your link into her blog, if You soybean cake (knew), You also "obliged to" add her blog link into Your blog. If you don’t it, you will be stamped as " stingy blogger". In illusory world even also, as in real world, miser will always detached. Other Word, a few guests.

So, how we know there is linked to Your blog? Its way: write Your blog address in http://technorati.com/search box or whosoever blog wish You know. For example, http://basyar-mania.blogspot.com, afterwards, press search, you'd know who linked whosoever to your blog.

As first step ' project' convert link, You can try to install http://afsyuhud.blogspot.com blog link into Your sidebar blog. During a little time, your blog address will come up in their blog.

(3) Paying a visit to other blog (mengunjungi blog lain)

To add friend to be invited Blogroll, use opportunity intentionally to pay a visit to others blog, and give your comment their article at the same time don't forget to install Your blog address in their blog. During a little time, they guest return to "house" or your blog

(4) Activity posting

Labouringly at least once posting every day. Regularly posted on blog, will make guest come regularly also.

(5) Give Address Blog in email signature

Write Your blog address in email signature. So that each; every you write enamel to person or to milist, blog address you'd always emerge, and "luring" people to pay a visit. Summary article posted in Your blog to milist also will very is luring of milist member to come to Your blog.

Blocker porn Sites to Save Moral

Ahlul Faradish Resha

Award Receiver youth national science and technology, Menpora

“Blocker porn Sites to Save Moral

With motto have ‘masterpiece and continue to have masterpiece'. Success in world, happy in eternity’, successes Ahlul Faradish Resha create blocker site software. This Software made for the block of porn sites, which according to him have gnawed nation young man moral. In its age that still is young, "Uul" – Small call of Ahlul–had reach for various achievements in technological area. Its proof, this blocker site software was including ten of nominator and get appreciation award “ Youth National Science and Technology” in Festival Young man of Achievement on 2006 Iptek Area by Imtaq base, by State ministry Young man and Athletics (Kementrian Negara Pemuda dan Olahraga). Ahlul was born in Payakumbuh, June 8, 1985.

The following about interview with Ahlul

What is yours inspiration make blocker site software ?

In fact before this software born, there was friends which spoken ‘how do you make software for blocked of porn sites?’ So, at that time direct me spell out members, yes. Because in principle if we trust in our ability, insya Allah we can do it.

All-important matter here in fact is problems, which we face in this time, specially [at] information technology growth. Infinite growth bring ugly impacts, and one of them is problem of pornography

Can be explained that website blocking process?

Mostly people predicted, I blacking out pursuant by picture or word on a website, if it classified bad hence will be blacked out. It is not true. More than that, this program will black out directly from entirety content an assumed site that contains negative information. While sites data, course it had been included into “Site Blocker” program. Thereby, although blacked out to be sites neither file to be accessed from other sites god willing nor will be able to accessed.

How does it work?

So, this it's like of confused if explained in detail about how these programs work.

This Software work to exploit part of Operating System. Operating system like Windows98, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Linux, Mac OS and the others. There is a file becoming reference by a computer to access a sites. So by making a fool of the file become the “Site Blockers”. To great friend, which have learnt information technology, try reference searching about file “hosts” in operating system.

Message for Indonesian Blogger

I will say only, “We don't only wanting to pursue something left behind, because really the mentioned will make us continue left behind. Do the best, and continue to innovate. Always focus to our desire. Don't be impressionable of others people, because in fact according to me all spirit, answer, and also that efficacy is on ourselves. Trust, whilst that we conduct for the kindliness, God willing there will be His aid at us.”

Link file setup di : http://ahlul.web.id/download/setupSiteBlocker.exe

Online address : http://ahlul.rumahblog.com

Letter-Box Online : ahlul_amc@yahoo.co.id

Yahoo ID : ahlul_b4n9_s.

Concatenating Strings

Visual Basic supports only one string operator, the concatenation operator. This operator combines two or more strings of text, similar to the way the addition operator is used to combine two or more numbers. The concatenation operator is the "ampersand" symbol (&). When you combine two strings with the concatenation operator, the second string is added directly to the end of the first string. The result is a longer string containing the full contents of both source strings.

The concatenation operator is used in an assignment statement as follows:

NewString = stringOne & stringTwo & stringThree

In this syntax, NewString represents the variable that contains the result of the concatenation operation. stringOne, stringTwo, and stringThree all represent string expressions. These can be any valid strings, including string variables, literal expressions (enclosed in quotation marks), or functions that return a string.

The ampersand between a pair of string expressions tells Visual Basic to concatenate the two expressions. The ampersand must be preceded and followed by a space. The syntax shows an optional second ampersand and a third string expression. You can combine any number of strings with a single statement. Just remember to separate each pair of expressions with an ampersand.

Code example:

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim STR1, STR2 As String

STR1 = "mas Basy"

STR2 = " Belum Makan"

Form1.Print (STR1 & STR2)

End Sub

Reversing the Order of Characters in Strings

Visual Basic's new StrReverse() function enables you to completely reverse the order of a string. Its syntax is as follows:

strResult = StrReverse(strMyString)

In this syntax,

  • Text2 is the string returned from the function.
  • Text1 is the function name.

Visual Basic defaults all internal variables to valid values--numeric variables default to zero, and strings default to empty. The problem happens when you take a null data field from a database and assign it to an internal variable or when you perform a string function on the null data field.

In this version, a loop was required to step through each character in the string and then build the new string in reverse order. The code in Listing below delivers the same result with the new "StrReverse()" function, with no loops and only one simple command.

Code example:

Private Sub Form_Load()

Text1.Text = "Pitik Jago Kluruk 34X"

Text2.Text = ""

End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Text2.Text = StrReverse(Text1.Text)

End Sub

Way me to reduce speedy bandwidth

I am confused with usage of my recently. However, after me try one by one cache web software finally, I find software that I feel snugly and still I use hitherto. Important, usage of my fair to middling speedy bandwidth goes down in last 1 month. Though I usage of my internet is same time.

This software, which I use to degrade usage of speedy bandwidth

1. Allegrosurf Voyager V. –make proxy web, DNS proxy at the same time to block banner ads

2. Proxy+ V3.00 ( build # 232) - it used to make cache web

3. Trafficcompressor from TCOMPRESSOR.COM - a kind of proxy server but also to compress data traffic, but its speed rather downhill. If you still can to tolerate... Yeah please wear it.

So from third software which I wear speedy bandwidth finally I can be reduced bandwidth around 25-30% per month, although its same usage, even sometime more.

If there is owner of way of more, may share here. You can get its by searching in Google. Good-bye

Jul 2, 2007

Command Shell

No Body

Sent from my Mobile Phone through Movamail
The fastest way to get Hotmail, Yahoo, GMail, POP3, IMAP and more on
your Mobile Phone
Try it for free today at http://www.movamail.com

Jun 26, 2007

New site

be blogger karena disini be vivid

Jun 13, 2007

play wave file

Task : create play wave file

'Place in declaration or modul

Declare Function PlaySound Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "PlaySoundA" (ByVal lpszName As String, ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long

Public Function WaVe(pathfile As String)

SoundPlay = PlaySound(pathfile, 0&, &H1)

End Function

'Place this code

Private Sub Form_Load()

WaVe ("C:\WINDOWS\Media\windows xp startup.wav") 'path your wave file

End Sub

Create digital clock (VB)

Task : Create digital clock

Create label object





Create timer object with interval 1000
Place this code

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Me.Lbl_Clock.Caption = Format(Now(), "HH:mm:ss")

End Sub

Visual basic 6

Create popup menu

Task Create popup menu

First, you must create an menu in menu editor (Tool >> menu editor or press Ctrl + E)

For Example :
Caption : File
Name : mnFile


'For making an Popupmenu action

Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

If Button = 2 Then

PopupMenu mnFile

End If

End Sub

Private Sub mnFile_Click()
MsgBox "This is Popupmenu", vbInformation, "Info"

End Sub

Add an icon to the system tray

Task Add an icon to the system tray, and recognize when the icon is clicked or hoovered over


a user-defined variable to pass to the Shell_NotifyIcon


Private Type NOTIFYICONDATA cbSize As Long hWnd As Long uId As Long
uFlags As Long uCallBackMessage As Long hIcon As Long szTip As String *
End Type

'Declare the constants for the API function. These constants can be

'found in the header file Shellapi.h.

'The following constants are the messages sent to the

'Shell_NotifyIcon function to add, modify, or delete an icon from the

'taskbar status area.
Private Const NIM_ADD = &H0
Private Const NIM_MODIFY = &H1
Private Const NIM_DELETE = &H2
'The following constant is the message sent when a mouse event occurs
'within the rectangular boundaries of the icon in the taskbar status
Private Const WM_MOUSEMOVE = &H200
'The following constants are the flags that indicate the valid
'members of the NOTIFYICONDATA data type.
Private Const NIF_MESSAGE = &H1
Private Const NIF_ICON = &H2
Private Const NIF_TIP = &H4
'The following constants are used to determine the mouse input on the
'the icon in the taskbar status area.
'Left-click constants.

Private Const WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK = &H203 'Double-click
Private Const WM_LBUTTONDOWN = &H201 'Button down
Private Const WM_LBUTTONUP = &H202 'Button up

'Right-click constants.

Private Const WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK = &H206 'Double-click
Private Const WM_RBUTTONDOWN = &H204 'Button down
Private Const WM_RBUTTONUP = &H205 'Button up

'Declare the API function call.
Private Declare Function Shell_NotifyIcon Lib "shell32" Alias "Shell_NotifyIconA" (ByVal dwMessage As Long, pnid As NOTIFYICONDATA) As Boolean
'Dimension a variable as the user-defined data type.


' create a form named Form1
' add a commond dialog control named CommonDialog1
' add two command buttons named Command1 and Command2

Private Sub Command1_Click()
'Click this button to add an icon to the taskbar status area.

'Set the individual values of the NOTIFYICONDATA data type.

nid.cbSize = Len(nid)
nid.hwnd = Form1.hwnd
nid.uId = vbNull
nid.uCallBackMessage = WM_MOUSEMOVE
nid.hIcon = Form1.Icon

nid.szTip = "Taskbar Status Area Sample Program" & vbNullChar

'Call the Shell_NotifyIcon function to add the icon to the taskbar
'status area.
Shell_NotifyIcon NIM_ADD, nid
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
'Click this button to delete the added icon from the taskbar

'status area by calling the Shell_NotifyIcon function.

Shell_NotifyIcon NIM_DELETE, nid

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

'Set the captions of the command button when the form loads.
Command1.Caption = "Add an Icon"
Command2.Caption = "Delete Icon"

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Terminate()

'Delete the added icon from the taskbar status area when the

'program ends.

Shell_NotifyIcon NIM_DELETE, nid

End Sub

Private Sub Form_MouseMove _
(Button As Integer, _

Shift As Integer, _

X As Single, _

Y As Single)

'Event occurs when the mouse pointer is within the rectangular

'boundaries of the icon in the taskbar status area.

Dim msg As Long

Dim sFilter As String

msg = X / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX

Select Case msg




CommonDialog1.DialogTitle = "Select an Icon"

sFilter = "Icon Files (*.ico)|*.ico"

sFilter = sFilter & "|All Files (*.*)|*.*"

CommonDialog1.Filter = sFilter


If CommonDialog1.FileName <> "" Then

Form1.Icon = LoadPicture(CommonDialog1.FileName)

nid.hIcon = Form1.Icon

Shell_NotifyIcon NIM_MODIFY, nid

End If


Dim ToolTipString As String

ToolTipString = InputBox("Enter the new ToolTip:", "Change ToolTip")

If ToolTipString <> "" Then

nid.szTip = ToolTipString & vbNullChar

Shell_NotifyIcon NIM_MODIFY, nid
End If

End Select
End Sub

Alexa Rank