basyar_mbs (
This article formulate about nature of element particle in subatomic at the same time study style causing a[n element particle can joint forces with other element particle also dissociating each; every element particle. solution [of] nuclear emphasis physics basic knowledge and particle physics which [is] present moment very expanding in the world of science. out for Writer explain this article content simply so that can be reached by [common/ public] common. This article also aim to to explain how in fact object in this universe [of] contain by smallest element. Besides matter above, this article [is] also relied on nuclear physics growth and particle physics during 50 the last year. Hereinafter this article explain that neutron and proton not again represent smallest particle element as atomic nucleus compiler.
And Growth Particle Element history.
And problem solution related to element particle these days represent a[n special attention very drawing to all this expert, specially [all] good physicist in the field of attempt and also in the field of theory. Element particle represent elementary particle [of] pembentuk entire/all existing Iihat vitamin in universe, including water, air, fire, earth along with its contents and entire/all great world. And knowledge study will various nature of elementary particle above representing a[n natural symptom strarting popular recognized [by] [at] ke-19 century, that is after Democritus publicize theory about ATOM''.
Pursuant to classic physics, atom represent a[n indiscrete look vitamin again to the its component and considered to be a[n dot have mass. Nature of above have very recognized in classic mechanics and have very clear its solution by Law Mechanics Newton. Knowledge about atom continue to expand and [at] view ke-20 century and knowledge [of] classic physics about atom start to discolour after finding of a[n other natural symptom which recognized with Electromagnetic Symptom. Directly this natural symptom represent a[n answer and fact altering and view knowledge [of] classic physics about atom. [At] a period of/to the [all] expert have earned to conclude that atom not again represent a[n smallest like vitamin which cannot be elaborated again to the its component. As knowledge [of] that moment continuation have been recognized [by] the existence of atom former particle that is neutron and proton in atomic nucleus and encircled by electron. Element particle above have very recognized and represent stable particle.
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