Electrics without cable
A man of science confess can catch elementary strength [of] planet, last channel that electrics energi to various importance. [his/its] Super, that distribution [is] [done/conducted] without cable.
He is Nikola Tesla, electrics engineer birth [of] Smiljan - that moment [is] part of Empire [of] Austro-Hungarian, nowadays
But, [in] boy head have eye [to] in and eye seed rather bold ( though, usually clan [of] delirium Slavia) have on file all detail about AC polyphase current generator, what later;then become water power power station installation base [in] Niagara year waterfall 1895, and also as industrial machine standard.
30 patent right in one year.
Its excitement, less than one year he have patented [about/around] 30 masterpiece. [Oppositely;Also] 20 next year he [is] invention egg [in] electrics technical field and radio in number nonplusing. Darling, with refer to accident annihilate many article. [Which/Such] possible he remember each;every date of its invention? Its name as inventor even also uncared often.
Profit, there [is] effort to straighten. For example, Tesla, rather than Marconi, searcher circuit inventor waving which become radio base. Bitter [of] nya, this fact [is] determined [by] precise High Court ACE [in] its death year. In fact still have align [to] possibility [of] other title, like first researcher [of] cathode [light/ray] and X-ray, ultraviolet radiasi from current have high frequency [to] and its therapy effect to body. He also which design ancestors save fluorescent lamp, and also develop similar appliance [of] laser. One of [the] invention immortalizing its name [is] Tesla bobbin. But, this just masterpiece do not can express erudite achievement [of] nya which revolutionizing modern world. Celebrated man of science [of] English Lord Kelvin comment, " Contribution Tesla [in] abysmal kelistrikan area which [done/conducted] [by] others." [ listrik1.gif ( 63352 bytes)]
Artificial atmosphere [of] emission millions of electrics current volt [in] Colorado Springs with sprinkling [of] fire made in. ( Photos: The Unexplained)
Because its creativity, year 1912 Tesla nomination for the Noble prize of [in] physics area. But he refuse. He more feel [is] entitled to obtain;get in the year 1909 to the bestowed [by] Nobel [at] Marconi. Its Reason, [at] 1898 [in]
200 aflame lamp without cable.
Differ from Marconi, Tesla very care with energi transmission not merely small in number in the form of radio sinyal, but also big energi [of] electrics for industry and household. [Oppositely;Also] year 1899 he develop;build giant electric power consignor station [in]
its [Job/Activity] principle similar to children oscillation toy. Light motivation will start moving [him/ it], [is] same motivation [in] correct moment, will make oscillation more and more highly. That way also network from electrics vibration, accepted frequency precisely [at] especial bobbin, will yield vibration to more and more big and its result more and more high [in] both. Vibration [in] pillar attributed to both [of] Tesla will awaken high frequency radiowave capable to walk far to other cleft [of] earth shuffled through.
If later;then by means of ... oscillation ( DC current changer become AC) harmonized [by] [at] natural frequency [of] earth electrics current, moment return current will strengthen voltage vibration [in] pillar, and push current exit from earth. Its result, current which more and more big will go out as waving passing that transmitter. Theoritical, entire/all planet can wear as both [of] current amplifier.
atmosphere Operation [of] that appliance [is] narrated by John J. O'Neill in Prodigal Genius. Tesla see pillar top from outside building, [his/its] ministrant [of] Czito stand up timid at elbow appliance control in it. When Czito knob memencet, [both/ second] encircled by [circle;coil] electrics fire, crowded bepercikan penetrate out building, and heard [by] sound clatter ossify [in] height far above head "... Emerge sound clatter [is] awful the than bobbin which more and more ossify ... That sound [of] similar susul-menyusul [of] sten gun rentetan. Eruption far [in] height on the air very hard more loo like cannon girder. Will happened artillery war in building ... Sudden emerge bizzare blue [light/ray] in building. Aflame bobbin. Each;Every dot in building give off fire. So much perfervid fire tongue ...."
Tesla fascinated. From copper ball [in] pillar top, emerge explosion, flash, and fire tongue as far as 40 m. Sudden gleam that desist. Tesla run to step into laboratory, protesting Czito because discontinuing attempt. Without Czito talking show control knob, damage supply power. That attempt burn out generating system Company [of] Electrics Colorado Spring. [ listrik5.gif ( 53015 bytes)] Modern demonstration [of] Tesla idea. aflame Lamp Fluorescent by waving radio frequency from Tesla bobbin, without cable.
Its profit, that company generator result of Tesla device, so that within a week can be operated again. Result of that attempt [is] explained in masterpiece [he] wrote "... If/When us [release] last voice hear echo, its meaning [of] that voice collide resistance or wall [at] certain distance, [is] then re-bounced. Like voice, waving electrics can be bounced. their Equality evidence [is] electrics phenomenon of[is known as wave remain to that is waving with form remain to. I [do] not send electrics vibration up at wall, but up at earth boundary afar. What I obtain;get, waving well-balanced electrics ... bounced from a distance."
Effect Tesla bobbin demonstration for the installation of giant [in] that
Fishing earth electrics current.
Afterwards, Tesla start the project of more ambitious, he mention world network system. By exploiting natural electrics vibration [of] this earth will be available [of] universal and cheap electrics energi. Supported [by] [of] fund from notable train entrepreneur [of] J.P. Morgan, he start complex construction [of] transmission [in] farm 800 ha [in] Wardencliff, Long Island, 100 km from New York. Frame Wood tower boost as high as 45 m. Above him attached [by] copper electrode have diameter [to] 30 similar m [of] giant doughnut with tube have diameter [to] 6 m. But, [there] no fund to finishing [him/ it]. That tower have time to stand up during 12 year, to the last toppled [by] during PD I for the shake of reason of security. All device scheme [do] not form, fail also the project of industrial town which designed with its friend, Stanford White architect.
Since then Tesla try more creative. He have never is impecunious [of] idea. Moment man of science and other engineer try to apply science [at] practical equipments to the various idea - which can claimed to come from [his/its] elementary idea, Tesla [oppositely;also] develop new theory. Old more and more Tesla, more and more estranged also its [relation/link] with erudite society. It is not strange if/when he often [release] fanatical statement which opposing against other sect. For example, he cannot accept modern picture [of] different atomic structure with him, or will comprehend idea break atom.
From attempt with high berenergi electrics oscillator and waving very long, he sure, every object always vibrate. But, he see that as simple physical [relation/link] form [among/between] two object than sophisticated concept [of] quantum mechanics. [In]
And fluorescent lamp tesla. Energy high frequency accepted [by] lamp [pass/through] hidden [by] strand of metal [in] Tesla body.
Besides wavelength, Tesla anticipated to find laser principle. No other because laser ray yielded by oscillator which [is] same as weared [by] Tesla to yield height voltage electrics. More than anything else in year article 1934, Tesla tell a story about similar appliance [of] laser. He mention, there [is] particle which [is] dimension can be microscopic or big, capable to deliver energi in form of [light/ray] or of a kind to very region far. Thousands of PK energi can be sent in the form of stream which smaller than hair seutas, and can penetrate resistance anything.
Before year 1960 made by first real laser [of] American physics, T.H. Maiman, using the one sintetis rubi stone to yield red light. Its way, pumping [light/ray] energi with [is] same frequency into him.
There are some important aspect which differentiate laser ray with ordinary ray. Laser ray consist of [light/ray] of a kind with [is] same wavelength, emission only to is one way, and its wave [of] koheren. While ordinary ray have wavelength different each other which shine to various direction. Hence, laser ray can be sent to place which far without having to disseminate or decrease its strength. This proved by delivering [light/ray] to month;moon which [is] later;then bounced to earth [pass/through] reflektor attached by first person which landing in. [Light/Ray] which return do not show decreasing strength [him/ it].
[At] ke-82 anniversary, in night repast [in] Hotel New Yorker, Tesla asked [by] do can yield big enough effect in for look by astronom [pass/through] telescope with power of is high.
Tesla confess, can send [light/ray] to glow [in] dark shares [of] crescent. That way its similar [light/ray] benderang so that star able to be seen with naked eye.
[Light/Ray] weapon kill.
Later;Then arise issue, Tesla find [light/ray] weapon with accuracy and strength which have never preexisted. More than anything else, [in] is final [of] Tesla life leave signal strengthening that anticipation. " My invention can break anything, human being or existing machine in radius 320 km." But, in year article 1935, he expostulate if/when its invention cause war. He confess to hate war. " War cannot be discontinued by making weak [party/ side] become strength. Way of most precise, making every nation, weak or strong, can defend x'self. Every state, besar-kecil, will not fail to fight against enemy. If that weapon [is] accepted, international [relation/link] will experience of revolution."
That suspicion [of] unflattering berekses to [him] do not be old after he [go/come] home, 7 January 1943, [in] New Yorker Hotel room;chamber [in]
Until some fear decade will arm Tesla secret still haunt some circle. For Example, Major General George Keegan, former AU ACE intelijen head, suspicious with bizzare electrical storm appearance [in] Canadian area [of] year 1977 [is] such as those which loaded in is Daily [of] Evening Standard [in] London. Keegan sure, that storm effect of attempt arm Sovyet particle capable to explode intercontinental ballistic rudal - which is being pass by quickly above atmosphere coat. Not to mention bizzare news, last assistant [of] Tesla, Arthur Matthews, interrogation intensively by
First signal [of] experiment will arm that particle emerge unforeseen attendance indication data satellite moment [of] hydrogen, traced of tritium ( hydrogen bomb fuel) [in] atmosphere flake. connective Secret officer [it] with information that Sovyet perform [a] attempt [in]
Subatomik particle weared in that weapon [is] electron or proton. In modern physics theory, this Iihat vitamin can be quickened by means of ... controlled by oscillator from electromagnet field, or energi waving able to be pumped forwards. Way of this very similar to the way of Tesla bobbin [job/activity], or laser ray wave. Prima facie about particle weapon or laser [is] its [light/ray] consist of energi waving which [is] yielded [by] like [is] same frequency have one in nature of themselves, or become koheren emission. Wave remain to this of a kind with explained [by] Tesla in masterpiece write year 1900.
hazyly Sovyet explain that attempt [is] [done/conducted] in high frequency channel. As a result, emerging convulsion [at] some radio station during year 1976, protested by some state, including English.
Besides problem of radio-interference, there [is] more important other problem that is shoting effect which is [is] difficult to be controlled to the particle [light/ray] weapon [in] atmosphere flake. [At] height [about/around] 100 km above surface [of] earth there are ionosphere coat. This shares consist of some coat which [is] aqueous pittance. Some of its atom made known to become electrics bermuatan ion. This coat be in control of radio long wave reflection in encircling earth. He also the part of atmosphere where emerge borealis aureole ( [light/ray] [in] space which appear [in/on] earth geomagnetic pole region between two lights effect of sun activity height, can see [in] Canada, Alaska, and Skandinavia North) with remarkable electricity as response to the continuous cosmic irradiating [in] space.
focused [by] Particle [light/ray] [is] goodness can punch hole [in] ionosphere. That particle earn positively fill proton, or on the contrary negatively fill electron. This situation will influence spreading [of] ion around lamp [light/ray] footstep, causing aureole appearance and radio-interference, similar [in]
But [is] there any its influence to last condition [of] climate and atmosphere under the sun? Andrew Michrowski, man of science [in] energy generating network [in] Canada East, sure. " Surely
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