Jun 26, 2007
Jun 13, 2007
play wave file
Task : create play wave file
'Place in declaration or modul
Declare Function PlaySound Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "PlaySoundA" (ByVal lpszName As String, ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long
Public Function WaVe(pathfile As String)
SoundPlay = PlaySound(pathfile, 0&, &H1)
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load()
WaVe ("C:\WINDOWS\Media\windows xp startup.wav") 'path your wave file
End Sub
Labels: Visual basic
Di posting Basyar at 7:13 PM 0 comments
Create digital clock (VB)
Task : Create digital clock
Name | Lbl_Clock |
Caption | Clock |
Create timer object with interval 1000
Place this code
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Me.Lbl_Clock.Caption = Format(Now(), "HH:mm:ss")
End Sub
Labels: Visual basic
Di posting Basyar at 7:06 PM 0 comments
Create popup menu
Task Create popup menu
For Example :
Caption : File
Name : mnFile
'For making an Popupmenu action
Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If Button = 2 Then
PopupMenu mnFile
End If
End Sub
MsgBox "This is Popupmenu", vbInformation, "Info"
End Sub
Labels: Visual basic
Di posting Basyar at 6:57 PM 0 comments
Add an icon to the system tray
Task Add an icon to the system tray, and recognize when the icon is clicked or hoovered over
a user-defined variable to pass to the Shell_NotifyIcon
Private Type NOTIFYICONDATA cbSize As Long hWnd As Long uId As Long
uFlags As Long uCallBackMessage As Long hIcon As Long szTip As String *64
End Type
'Declare the constants for the API function. These constants can be
'found in the header file Shellapi.h.
'The following constants are the messages sent to the
'Shell_NotifyIcon function to add, modify, or delete an icon from the
'taskbar status area.
Private Const NIM_ADD = &H0
Private Const NIM_MODIFY = &H1
Private Const NIM_DELETE = &H2
'The following constant is the message sent when a mouse event occurs
'within the rectangular boundaries of the icon in the taskbar status
Private Const WM_MOUSEMOVE = &H200
'The following constants are the flags that indicate the valid
'members of the NOTIFYICONDATA data type.
Private Const NIF_MESSAGE = &H1
Private Const NIF_ICON = &H2
Private Const NIF_TIP = &H4
'The following constants are used to determine the mouse input on the
'the icon in the taskbar status area.
'Left-click constants.
Private Const WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK = &H203 'Double-click
Private Const WM_LBUTTONDOWN = &H201 'Button down
Private Const WM_LBUTTONUP = &H202 'Button up
'Right-click constants.
Private Const WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK = &H206 'Double-click
Private Const WM_RBUTTONDOWN = &H204 'Button down
Private Const WM_RBUTTONUP = &H205 'Button up
'Declare the API function call.
Private Declare Function Shell_NotifyIcon Lib "shell32" Alias "Shell_NotifyIconA" (ByVal dwMessage As Long, pnid As NOTIFYICONDATA) As Boolean
'Dimension a variable as the user-defined data type.
' create a form named Form1
' add a commond dialog control named CommonDialog1
' add two command buttons named Command1 and Command2
'Click this button to add an icon to the taskbar status area.
nid.cbSize = Len(nid)
nid.hwnd = Form1.hwnd
nid.uId = vbNull
nid.uCallBackMessage = WM_MOUSEMOVE
nid.hIcon = Form1.Icon
nid.szTip = "Taskbar Status Area Sample Program" & vbNullChar
'status area.
Shell_NotifyIcon NIM_ADD, nid
End Sub
'Click this button to delete the added icon from the taskbar
'status area by calling the Shell_NotifyIcon function.
Shell_NotifyIcon NIM_DELETE, nid
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
'Set the captions of the command button when the form loads.
Command1.Caption = "Add an Icon"
Command2.Caption = "Delete Icon"
End Sub
'Delete the added icon from the taskbar status area when the
'program ends.
Shell_NotifyIcon NIM_DELETE, nid
End Sub
Private Sub Form_MouseMove _
(Button As Integer, _
Shift As Integer, _
X As Single, _
Y As Single)
'Event occurs when the mouse pointer is within the rectangular
'boundaries of the icon in the taskbar status area.
Dim msg As Long
Dim sFilter As String
msg = X / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
Select Case msg
CommonDialog1.DialogTitle = "Select an Icon"
sFilter = "Icon Files (*.ico)|*.ico"
sFilter = sFilter & "|All Files (*.*)|*.*"
CommonDialog1.Filter = sFilter
If CommonDialog1.FileName <> "" Then
Form1.Icon = LoadPicture(CommonDialog1.FileName)
nid.hIcon = Form1.Icon
Shell_NotifyIcon NIM_MODIFY, nid
End If
Dim ToolTipString As String
ToolTipString = InputBox("Enter the new ToolTip:", "Change ToolTip")
If ToolTipString <> "" Then
nid.szTip = ToolTipString & vbNullChar
Shell_NotifyIcon NIM_MODIFY, nid
End If
End Select
End Sub
Labels: Visual basic
Di posting Basyar at 6:57 PM 0 comments
HIDE Windows taskbar
HIDE Windows taskbar
Place on the ModuleDeclare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long
Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long
Public Const SWP_HIDEWINDOW = &H80
Public Const SWP_SHOWWINDOW = &H40
Dim rtn As Long
'hide the taskbar
rtn = FindWindow("Shell_traywnd", "") 'get the Window
Call SetWindowPos(rtn, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_HIDEWINDOW) 'hide the Tasbar
'show th taskbar
rtn = FindWindow("Shell_traywnd", "") 'get the Window
Call SetWindowPos(rtn, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_SHOWWINDOW) 'show the Taskbar
Labels: Visual basic
Di posting Basyar at 6:52 PM 0 comments
Create a circular form
Task: Create a circular form (VB)
Private Declare Function CreateEllipticRgn Lib "gdi32" (ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal
Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SetWindowRgn Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long,
ByVal hRgn As Long, ByVal bRedraw As Long) As Long
'place this code in the form load event
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim lngRegion As Long
Dim lngReturn As Long
Dim lngFormWidth As Long
Dim lngFormHeight As Long
lngFormWidth = Me.Width / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
lngFormHeight = Me.Height / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
lngRegion = CreateEllipticRgn(0, 0, lngFormWidth, lngFormHeight)
lngReturn = SetWindowRgn(Me.hWnd, lngRegion, True)
End Sub
Labels: Visual basic
Di posting Basyar at 6:47 PM 5 comments
freez windows
Visual Basic 6 Application
Task: freez windows
Public Declare Function SetParent Lib "user32" Alias "SetParent" (ByVal hWndChild As Long, ByVal hWndNewParent As Long) As Long
Put in command button
sub Freezcomputer (frm as form)
dim freez
freez = setparent (frm, frm)
end sub
Labels: Visual basic
Di posting Basyar at 6:38 PM 0 comments
Jun 11, 2007
Cara Daftar Google adsense
It's Quickly
kamu harus punya blog (Website) sendiri. Kalo belum punya Buruan Daftar disini.
Setelah kamu buat Blog masuk ke sini.
Tekan logo google adsense ... disamping
Tekan Sign Up NOw
Ikuti langkah perlangkah, Ingat ya untuk nulis alamat jangat sampai salah. Entar malah nyasar. terus kalo diminta masukkan Url , masukkan alamat blog kamu. Selamat mencoba
Labels: Visual basic
Di posting Basyar at 8:21 AM 0 comments
Get Money $ Right Now
Apa cara mudah Cari Uang sekarang di Internet ?
Apa Mungkin. Ini dia solusinyaIni namanya mesin pencari yang kita dibayar saat kita memakainya. Nggak Rugi sih, Itung-itung cari $ sambil surfing.
Misi kita adalah menyaingi google. Betapa tidak, tahun 1998, apa orang tahu apa itu Google. Namun Sekarang Google adalah maharaja yang telah mendahului yahoo, dan search engine lainnya.
Buruan Daftar sekarang Juga...... Hanya di Sini
Ingat kita di sini hanya berusaha Okey man.... Info lebih lengkap masuk aja ke portalnya. Ajak temenmu untuk gabung.
Turn Those Small WORDS into WEALTH
Hi, remember when GOOGLE launched in late 1998? Everyone said "Who's GOOGLE?" Less than a decade later they have emerged into the #1 search engine on the Internet with forecasted advertising revenues of $12 plus BILLION dollars in 2006!
And speaking about those search engines, WHAT HAVE THEY DONE FOR YOU LATELY? When you perform a search on one of those other engines, do they give you Advantage Points?
What does this information have to do with your NEW Search Engine Portal? EVERYTHING in a word (keyword that is)! Even though Google and Yahoo are doing BILLIONS now, the truth is that the advertisers want MORE. So they are on the hunt in large crowds looking for ADDITIONAL solutions to create more targeted visitors to their Website(s).
YOU are the answer for these Advertisers. You are empowered to GIVE AWAY FREE Keyword TOP Positions Musthofa! How many advertisers are there on the Internet? Millions! So the only question is . . . will you get your share?
SearchBigDaddy.Com is taking traffic from all across the Internet for a broad span of categories and keywords. The time is NOW for YOU to benefit. Click here to Join
Di posting Basyar at 8:05 AM 1 comments
Jun 9, 2007
Aturan Penggunaan Google AdSense
The following search terms have been highlighted: peraturan google adsense
Di Copy dari Om Cosa Aranda
Google AdSense Program Policies dengan tujuan untuk memudahkan publisher AdSense
Sekedar informasi, artikel berikut ditulis berdasarkan update ketentuan Google AdSense Program Policies pada bulan Januari 2007. Sewaktu-waktu, Google akan melakukan perubahan/penambahan/pengurangan aturan mereka, jadi untuk informasi yg lebih up-to-date, silahkan langsung mengacu pada halaman Program Policies mereka.
Semoga bermanfaat!
Beberapa bagian dari tulisan di bawah ini menggunakan istilah-istilah AdSense tertentu. Bagi Anda yg belum begitu paham tentang istilah-istilah tersebut, bisa membaca pengertiannya terlebih dahulu di sini.
Klik dan Impresi Yg Tidak Valid
Segala klik pada ad units harus berasal murni dari keinginan pengunjung. Berbagai cara untuk menciptakan klik atau impresi pada ad units secara keras tidak diperbolehkan. Ini meliputi, tapi tidak terbatas pada, klik atau impresi berulang yg dilakukan secara manual maupun otomatis, penggunaan layanan pihak ketiga yg menghasilkan klik atau impresi seperti program paid-to-click, paid-to-surf, autosurf, dan click exchange / click club, ataupun software yg sejenis. Sebagai catatan, melakukan klik terhadap ad unitsi sendiri juga dilarang. Segala bentuk pelanggaran terhadap aturan ini dapat mengakibatkan keanggotaan AdSense Anda dihapuskan.
Mendorong Terjadinya Klik
Untuk meyakinkan hasil yg optimal baik bagi pemasang iklan maupun pengunjung situs, publisher tidak diperbolehkan untuk meminta pengunjung mengklik iklan AdSense yg ada pada situs mereka ataupun menggunakan cara2 yg tersembunyi untuk menghasilkan klik. Jika dijabarkan, publisher AdSense:
Tidak diperbolehkan untuk mendorong pengunjung mengklik ad units mereka dengan menggunakan kata2 seperti “click the ads,” “support us,” “visit these links,” dan kata2 lain yg sejenis.
Tidak diperbolehkan untuk menarik perhatian pengunjung ke iklan yg ada dengan menggunakan panah atau gambar2 lain yg sejenis.
Tidak diperbolehkan untuk meletakkan gambar di sekitar ad units yg dapat membuat pengunjung mengira bahwa gambar tersebut adalah bagian dari iklan.
Tidak diperbolehkan untuk mempromosikan situs yg memasang ad units AdSense melalui spam ataupun cara2 yg tidak benar pada situs lain.
Tidak diperbolehkan untuk memberi komisi kepada pengunjung untuk mengklik iklan ataupun melakukan search pada Google For Search.
Tidak diperbolehkan untuk memasang label di atas ad units AdSense yg dapat menyebabkan kesalahpahaman. Sebagai contoh, ad units boleh ditandai dengan “Sponsored Links”, tapi tidak dengan “Favorite Sites”.
Isi Situs
Publisher hanya diperbolehkan untuk memasang iklan AdSense pada situs2 yg mengikuti aturan Google, selain itu, iklan tidak boleh dipasang pada halaman dimana isi utamanya menggunakan bahasa yg tidak didukung oleh Google AdSense (termasuk
Ad unit AdSense tidak boleh dipasang pada situs yg mengandung:
Kekerasan, rasis, atau saran untuk melawan/membenci orang lain, grup, maupun organisasi.
Pornografi dan hal2 yg bersifat dewasa.
Obat2an terlarang.
Kata2 kotor yg berlebihan.
Judi dan kasino.
Ajakan atau tawaran komisi/kompensasi kepada pengunjung untuk mengklik iklan atau tawaran, melakukan search, membrowsing situs (autosurf, paid-to-surf, dll), maupun membaca email (paid-to-read email).
Penggunaan kata kunci yg berulang, berlebihan, maupun tidak relevan dengan situs, baik pada content maupun kode halaman (HTML).
Menipu atau memanipulasi isi halaman untuk meningkatkan ranking mesin pencari dari situs yg bersangkutan.
Menjual atau menawarkan senjata maupun amunisinya.
Menjual atau menawarkan bir atau minuman dengan kadar alkohol tinggi.
Menjual atau menawarkan rokok atau produk2 yg berhubungan dng rokok.
Menjual atau menawarkan obat2an terlarang.
Menjual atau menawarkan replikasi atau imitasi dari suatu produk.
Menjual atau menawarkan tugas kuliah, skripsi, dan sejenisnya.
Berisi atau mempromosikan hal2 yg bersifat ilegal / melanggar hukum.
Materi Yg Dilindungi Hukum
Publisher tidak diperbolehkan untuk memasang ad units AdSense pada situs yg berisi materi2 yg dilindungi oleh hukum, kecuali mereka memiliki ijin untuk itu. Hukum yg digunakan adalah hukum DMCA, mengenai digital media.
Aturan Webmaster
Publisher AdSense diwajibkan untuk memenuhi aturan kualitas webmaster yg tercantum pada http://www.google.com/webmasters/guidelines.html.
Penggunaan Situs dan Iklan
Situs yg menggunakan iklan AdSense disarankan untuk memiliki navigasi yg mudah untuk pengunjung dan tidak mengandung pop-up yg berlebihan. Pemasangan kode AdSense juga harus sesuai dengan yg diberikan, tanpa adanya modifikasi apapun. Ini termasuk tidak diperbolehkannya untuk mengubah perilaku / cara kerja iklan dalam bentuk apa pun.
Situs yg menggunakan ad units AdSense tidak boleh menggunakan pop-up atau pop-under yg mengganggu pengunjung, menarik minat pengunjung, merubah setting browser, me-redirect pengunjung ke situs lain, maupun melakukan proses download.
Kode AdSense harus dipasang sesuai dng yg diberikan tanpa adanya modifikasi. Publisher tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengubah bagian apapun dari kode tersebut atau merubah cara kerja kode, pentargetan, ataupun penampilan iklan. Sebagi contoh, klik pada iklan AdSense tidak boleh terbuka pada jendela browser baru.
Situs atau suatu perusahaan tidak diperbolehkan untuk menampilkan iklan AdSense, search box AdSense, hasil pencarian, dan tombol referral pada aplikasi / software apapun, termasuk toolbar.
Situs yg menggunakan iklan AdSense tidak boleh mendapatkan trafik dari situs / software lain dengan cara2 yg tidak alami, seperti pop-up, redirect, dan sejenisnya.
Penawaran referral harus dilakukan tanpa adanya tawaran atau perjanjian tertentu dengan pengunjung. Publisher juga tidak diperbolehkan untuk meminta alamat email dari pengunjung yg menjaid referral AdSense mereka.
Penempatan Iklan
AdSense menawarkan beberapa format iklan yg dapat digunakan oleh publisher. Publisher disarankan untuk bereksperimen dengan berbagai penempatan iklan, tanpa melanggar aturan2 berikut:
Maksimal tiga ad units dalam satu halaman.
Maksimal dua search box Google AdSense for Search dalam satu halaman.
Maksimal satu link units dalam satu halaman.
Maksimal dua referral units dari masing2 produk referral yg ada.
Hasil pencarian AdSense for Search hanya boleh ditampilkan pada halaman yg mengandung maksimal satu link units.
Tidak diletakkan pada pop-up, pop-under, maupun email.
Tidak ada elemen halaman apapun yg menutupi sebagian/seluruh bagian iklan.
Iklan AdSense apapun tidak boleh diletakkan pada halaman yg tidak berisi apa2.
Iklan AdSense apapun tidak boleh diletakkan pada halaman yg dibuat sepenuhnya dalam rangka untuk menampilkan iklan (MFA), tidak peduli apakah isi halaman tersebut relevan atau tidak.
Iklan atau Layanan Dari Pihak Lain
Untuk menghindari kebingungan pengunjung, Google tidak memperbolehkan untuk memasang iklan maupun search box AdSense pada situs yg juga mengandung iklan maupun search box dari pihak lain yg menggunakan format tampilan (bentuk, ukuran, dan warna) yg sama dengan iklan dan search box AdSense yg ada di halaman tersebut.
Di posting Basyar at 11:36 AM 0 comments
Mengenai Dasar AdSense
Q: Apa itu CTR, CPC, eCPM, dll?
A: Baca penjelasannya di sini.
Q: Bagaimana agar situs kita diterima oleh Google?
A: Cara berikut biasanya berhasil:
- Bikin blog baru di blogspot
- Gunakan salah satu template selain yg default (biar gak keliatan bikinnya asal2an) atau bisa juga pake custom template yg banyak ada di internet.
- Ambil artikel2 dari situs free publish article, seperti ArticleCity, GoArticle, dll. Copy-paste sekitar 10 artikel dari sana.
- Coba apply lagi dng menggunakan blog tersebut.
Q: Bagaimana cara mengganti email yg kita gunakan untuk mendaftar di Google AdSense?
A: Tidak bisa, tapi bisa dicoba untuk langsung mengkontak Google dan menjelaskan alasan melakukan perubahan, siapa tahu diperbolehkan.
Mengenai Implementasi AdSense
Q: Apakah boleh meletakkan kode AdSense dalam IFRAME?
A: Boleh, tapi tidak disarankan. Dulu halaman Setup milik Google mengikutsertakan pilihan untuk membuat kode AdSense yg bisa diletakkan di tag IFRAME, tapi fitur ini sekarang sudah dihilangkan. Walaupun begitu, Program Policies Google AdSense tidak menyebutkan apakah kita diperbolehkan menggunakan IFRAME atau tidak. Jadi, untuk berjaga2, jika memang memungkinkan, hindari meletakkan kode AdSense dalam IFRAME.
Q: Apakah boleh meletakkan kode AdSense di lebih dari satu situs?
A: Boleh saja. Dan Anda tidak perlu mendaftarkan masing2 situs tersebut.
Q: Bagaimana cara memasang video ad units AdSense?
A: Baca penjelasannya di sini.
Q: Apakah boleh menyamarkan ad units AdSense sehingga tidak kelihatan seperti iklan?
A: Boleh, asal masih ada dalam batasan2 yg diberikan oleh Google di Program Policies mereka.
Q: Apakah pengunjung tetap situs kita lebih cenderung mengabaikan iklan AdSense dibandingkan pengunjung baru? Cara mengatasinya?
A: Ya. Efek ini disebut dengan “Ad Blindness”, yaitu kecenderungan pengunjung untuk mengabaikan iklan yg ada karena mereka sudah terlalu sering melihatnya. Untuk mengatasinya, letakkan ad units AdSense secara acak atau ubahlah desain situs Anda secara berkala, antara 3 sampai 6 bulan sekali.
Q: Mengapa CPC saya kecil atau tidak stabil?
A: CPC dipengaruhi oleh bid yg dipasang oleh pemasang iklan di AdWords. Pemasang iklan tentunya tidak sembarangan dalam memasang bid karena itu mempengaruhi dana yg mereka keluarkan. Bisa jadi mereka memasang bid yg besar di waktu2 tertentu, dan sebaliknya, merendahkan pengeluaran mereka di hari2 lainnya.
Q: Saya lihat ada situs lain yg memodifikasi kode AdSense mereka. Apakah diperbolehkan?
A: Tidak. Kecuali mereka adalah publisher2 premium AdSense yg memang berhak dan diperbolehkan untuk melakukan hal tersebut.
Mengenai Referral AdSense
Q: Apakah kita akan mendapatkan uang apabila ada yg mengklik link referral AdSense kita?
A: Tidak. Kita hanya akan mendapatkan uang apabila ada yg mendaftar AdSense melalui link tersebut dan mendapatkan $100 dalam waktu kurang dari 6 bulan (180 hari). Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut mengenai referral, baca di sini.
Mengenai Software Monitor AdSense
Q: Apakah AdSense Tracker itu?
A: AdSense Tracker adalah script 3rd-party yg berguna untuk mendeteksi dan memonitor segala kegiatan yg berhubungan dengan ad units AdSense kita, baik jumlah klik, asal pengunjung yg meng-klik, dsb.
Q: Dimana bisa mendapatkan script AdSense Tracker?
A: Anda bisa membelinya di AdSenseTracker.com atau silahkan berburu di situs2 warez
Q: Apakah boleh memasang lebih dari satu script tracking AdSense?
A: Boleh.
Mengenai Banned
Q: Apakah tanda2 di-banned?
A: Yg pertama, kita akan mendapatkan imel dari Google mengenai hal tersebut. Yg kedua, Anda tidak bisa lagi login ke Member Area AdSense. Yg terakhir, seluruh ad units yg Anda pasang akan menampilkan PSA.
Q: Apa yg harus kita lakukan apabila terlanjur di-banned? Apakah bisa ikut AdSense lagi?
A: Baca jawabannya di sini.
Mengenai PIN
Q: Apa itu PIN?
A: PIN adalah nomer identifikasi yg diberikan oleh Google sebagai sarana pengecekan apakah alamat yg kita gunakan untuk mendaftarkan diri di Google AdSense valid atau tidak. Agar dapat melakukan payout, Anda harus memasukkan nomer PIN yg Anda terima di Member Area AdSense. Hanya publisher AdSense yg mendaftar setelah sekitar pertengahan 2005 saja yg akan menerima PIN.
Q: Kapan PIN dikirim?
A: PIN akan dikirimkan pada saat pendapatan kita mencapai $50 tanpa ada pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu. Statusnya dapat Anda lihat di Member Area AdSense.
Q: Kenapa saya belum menerima nomer PIN?
A: Google menggunakan surat pos biasa untuk mengirimkan nomer PIN, jadi jangka waktu pengirimannya berbeda2 dan untuk yg tinggal di daerah terpencil, memang ada kemungkinan untuk tidak menerima kiriman tersebut (tergantung pihak kantor pos di daerah tersebut). Jika dalam waktu sekitar 1.5 bulan Anda belum menerima PIN Anda, kontak Google.
Q: Apakah click-club / click-exchange dilarang? Apakah dapat meningkatkan pendapatan kita?
A: Ya. Ini tercantum dalam Program Policies Google AdSense. Mengikuti / menjalankan kegiatan ini memang mungkin dapat meningkatkan pendapatan AdSense kita dengan cepat, tapi apa artinya kalo tiba2 Anda di-banned dari Google.
Di posting Basyar at 11:34 AM 0 comments
Jun 8, 2007
Waiting for Nuclear Reactor
Menunggu Rampungnya reactor Fusi Nuklir
Governmental decision develop;build nuclear energy power station installation (PLTN)- invite many reaction of pros and also contra. Reaction of pros look into urgent problem [it] to- electric power butuhan [in] Java and the importance of high technological domination by Indonesian nation as absolute argument.
Counter reaction see generated [by] radiasi danger [is] PLTN, reliing on reaction of uranium isotope atom ataupemecahan fissile or U235, becoming threat safety [of] resident who live in [about/around] reactor specially, and mankind generally. People even also then enquire, is it possible that created [by] equivalent powered power station with dayaPLTN, utilizing- fuel
Its [reply/ answer] yes, but relative. Fusion reactor offer answer, but [there] no reak guarantee- this type tor will [is] at all free from the problem of radiasi. Fusion reaction Process reverse fusion reaction from reaction of fissile. Like literal meaning [of] nya, this process represent reaksipenggabungan two nucleus;core become other nucleus;core accompanied one or some additional particle. This reaction [is] equal to process combustion [of] hydrogen [in] star or sun. In fact, many fusion reaction type able to happened [in] sun which [is] often referred [as] [by] siklusproton-proton, start from pengga- bungan two core of hydrogen become the core of deuterium till merger of[is core of tritium nucleus;core and deuterium. But, most this reaction require certain condition, misalnyatekanan very high, which only there are in core of star nor sun. Single fusion reaction believed can be used [by] for the purpose of commercial [is] merger [of] tritium and deuterium at some stage will yield the core of stable helium and a netron which [is] mem- bring most energi result of fusion. Many problem of which still have to be solved [by] before fusion reactor can be used by komersil.Untuk join the core of deuterium with three- tium, tolak-menolak style effect of payload both [of] nucleus;core have to overcome. Way of which likeliest [is] by boosting up both [of] nucleus;core till its [of] nya can overcome mentioned coulomb style. To overcome this style [is] required [by] ambient temperature 50 million degree of celsius. To boost up plasma temperature there are some method able to be used [by] for example de- ngan exploit the nature of plasma resistensi or with radiowave hypodermic [at] fre- kuensi [among/between] 50 megahertz till 100 gigahertz, loo like like microwave oven weared is everyday.
But for no material above surface [of] earth able to arrest;detain temperature as high as this, supercanggih technique makadiperlukan to localize plasma ( core of bermuatan which [is] memi- temperature liki very high) [at] fusion processes in order not to come into contact with reactor instrument.
Two way of
There [is] two way of most effective to localize plasma during fusion processes take place, that is caramagnetis and way of inersial. Way of first [done/conducted] in instrument in form of like doughnut of[is so-called tokamak. Tokamak use combination two magnetic field which [is] sa- strong ngat, which yielded by superkonduktor, to arrest;detain plasma have ambient temperature [to] 50 million degree of celsius [so that/ to be] constantly within midst " doughnut" that. Most yielded netron in course of fusion will be interspersed to first wall " doughnut" which must be made of [by] special material remember natural hot burden [it] gyrate 10 million watt per square metre. absorbent [by] Netron [of] this wall will discharge most its its[his]. This Energi [is] later utilized to move power station turbine.
Besides, this wall also good for as media for the process of tritium breeding to return hypodermic into plasma upon which burn. this Reactor type example [of] [is] Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor ( woke up [by] TFTR) [in] Princeton USA, Joint European Torus [in] Culham Laboratory Oxford English, or Tokamak JT-60 which is just woke up [by] [in] Japan. [both/ second] [is] by using goals owning closeness very high which [is] ditem- balance with tens of laser ray focused by simultan. Intensity laser ray here have to be high enough [so that/ to be] goals earn at once condense. yielded particle will try to make a move out causing pressure into very awful. Pressure which go up drastically will result to go up goals temperature nya which is on finally can fire fusion processes. In fact, process this represent hydrogen bomb miniatur form. Experiment using inersial principle, the example there are [in] Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, ACE, [about/around] 20 laser synchronize to be made arrangements for to yield total energi equal to 200 kilojoule in second sepermilyar, which [is] berartidaya equal to 200 million megawatt.
Seems high temperature problem have earned to be finished [by] [all] man of science. Nevertheless, still queer adamasalah enough which must overcome [by] before fusion reactor can be used [by] seba- power plant gai. [At] recognized [by] conventional reactor [of] critical point term which [is] me- nentukan of[is condition of [which/such] reaction of fisimulai take place in control. Fusion reactor also have a kind of critical point which [is] often conceived of [by] Lawson criterion. This criterion [of] menun- closeness tut and the duration time localize plasma [at] hargatertentu [so that/ to be] fusion processes can take place. Some existing test reactor in this time have almost reached that criterion.
Waste fusion reactor.
Possible, serious question which [is] immediately raised [by] society if fusion reactor become to be woke up [by] [is] the problem of processing [of] its waste. Different with fission reactor, which [is] hasilreaksi element and also fuel have the character of radioactively, [at] fusion reactor only tritium having the character of is radioactive. Besides, tritium have time beak [about/around] 12 year, much more quickly stabilize compared to uranium which [is] its bill time [about/around] 100 million year. Besides, tritium will produce [is] same in place [pass/through] breeding process.
Radioactive source most serious here [is] reactor instrument material becoming radio- active [of] karenadihujani bomb netron, for example first wall [of] commisioned reactor permeate netron energi during fusion processes take place. For the shake of security, [all] expert [in] Government ACE raise three waste classification. Class A waste, material terdiridari able to menca- storey;level pai " peaceful enough" after kept [by] during not more 10 year. " Peaceful enough" [is] here defined as higher radiasi storey;level five times than background radiasi, that is radiasi which we accept [is] everyday the than cosmic [light/ray] and or the source of other radiasi like pe- TV sawat, computer, and others. Class B waste, consist of material which chemically stabilize and can reach level " cukupaman" during 100 year. this Type waste have to be put down stable in place and buried [by] [in] certain deepness so that radiasi accepted by resident, what not intentionally enter penimbu location- waste nan, only several times bigger than background radiation behind.
Class C waste, like B class waste, but newly can reach level " peaceful enough" in range of time at the most 500 year. this Type waste have to be buried at least five metre below/under surface [of] earth. location Conglomeration [of] waste have to limit and said the word special in order not to people mudahdilalui.
Material which [do] not fulfill third classification above have to handle specially, as conventional nuclear the settlement of disposal. Become fusion reactor waste more peaceful and easier [is] its handling.
Last growth.
In this time [all] expert have been able to localize fusion reaction [do] not only in persepuluh calculation- second an, but in thousands of second. This efficacy represent fusion reactor forerunner for the purpose of commercial can be conceived to operate [about/around] five decade come. For the mermpercepat of research into thermonuclear, [is] same [job/activity] research into international [among/between] ACE, Japan, Russia, and Europe egg have inter thermonuclear experiment reactor development proposal- national, brief [by] [of] ITER, planned [by] have diameter [to] [about/around] 16 metre, owning tritium fuel, superkonduktor magnet generating, and also can be controlled from long distance. Its plan, final decision [of] reactor development research into this will be executed [by] year 1998. On the other hand, produce reactor peripheral research into like proton can be exploited, sementa- ra [all] expert still develop reactor for the purpose of power plant. Proton can be altered with certain nuclear reaction become anti-elektron or positron which [is] very good for [in] medical area [of] tomografi untuktujuan.
[All] fusion reactor optimism expert can be used during semi century come. Enough physical banyakproblem able to overcome, but there is no calculation [of] peng efficiency- reactor gunaan commercially. If fusion reactor can function, hence benefit able to be plucked [by] human being ummat for example its its[his] [is] source of very fuel [of] ber- overflow, radiasi danger which is lower relative, vanish nuclear bomb raw material nya ( in principle fusion reaction [is] base work hydrogen bomb, technological but to create this [is] bomb very queer compared to conventional nuclear bomb technology), and finally pemanfaat- an produce reactor peripheral for medical sector.
Di posting Basyar at 8:26 PM 1 comments
Wolfgang Ernst Pauli
Wolfgang Ernst Pauli : Prefer To to Cafe than Learning
Not many physics which can be classified [by] calibre with Einstein. One of [the] among which a few/little [is] Wolfgang Pauli. Even Einstein even also confess its greatness.
Pauli have reputation " bizzare" so-called Pauli Effect. Each time Pauli reside in [about/around] laboratory, sure [of] deh there [is] lab appliance which sudden fall or break misteriously. He/She said that goods sih fall gara-gara there [is] Pauli around room / that building. But this sih merely gossip? Which non gossip [is] that famous Pauli Exclusion Principle. According to physics legend which according to him its [his/its] almost can be parallel with this Einstein, electron ( in a atom) not possible (to) can occupy quantum state ( owning 4 quantum number) [is] same concurrently. Each electron have quantum number which different each other. He get Nobel Physics in the year 1945 for its invention this.
Wolfgang Ernst Pauli, first child from Wolfgang Joseph Pauli, educative in man of science family environment. The father, a doctor [in] Vienna which later;then become biochemical professor and physics researcher [in] University Vienna of, giving of it name of Ernst in honour of its friend, Ernst Mach, physics which also father baptize junior Pauli. this Influence Ernst Mach make small Pauli become very interest with physics. Even time still [in] school bench, Pauli often tire of and take no account of its teacher [in] class because in secrecy read Einstein handing out about theory of relativity, hidden [by] below/under its desk.
Prefer to to cafe.
borne Child Austrian on 25 April 1900 [in] this Vienna in the reality remain to pass with values very good, although he have never paid attention Iesson. In the year 1918 Pauli continue its study to Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich of and learn below/under Sommerfeld upbringing which later;then very is esteeming [of] kejeniusan [of] [both/ second] Pauli so that [in] that university, Pauli offered to write relativistik article to a[n encyclopaedia distinguish for, Der Wissenschaften mathematischen Encyclopadie. During kuliah, Pauli a more regular reside in nighttime cafe than doing problems [of] physics. Even though, Pauli can finish its doctor program [in] this University Munich [at] [at] young age, 21 year! Its dissertation [of] quantum theory from ionized hydrogen molecule have come to physics inspiration in a period of/to perintisan [of] quantum physics.
Two months after passing, Pauli write monograp about relitivistik theory as thick as 237 page;yard. This Monograp surprise many physics, including Einstein, unconvinced that this monograp [is] written by a which [is] have age [to] 21 year. According to Einstein, solution [of] relativistik theory in this [is] monograp very rich with idea and by matematik also can be justified. Einstein so praise result of this Pauli masterpiece. Greatness [of] this Pauli make Max Born invite [him/it] to
Although jenius and esteemed by Einstein calibre people, Pauli [do] not bluff lho! Pauli seldom publicize its idea pickings in solving various physics problem. He/She more like writing down [him/ it] to its friends pass letter, like its correspondence with Bohr, Heisenberg, Pais, and other physics friends. He is non one who like popularitas searching. Many invention [of] famous physics which in fact have have been found by Pauli, merely because he do not want to publicizing [him/ it], it to be nobody being the wiser is. Latter, its letters time found newly soybean cake deh in the reality Pauli really jenius! More than anything else, he also remain to praise other man of science to the big invention which in fact have found of / previous diprediksikan.
According to Heisenberg, This Pauli [is] one who scarce because he can do two problem of weight in physics at the same time. Started from experiment pickings, Pauli intuitionly think of how interconnected physics experiment pickings one another. And at the (time) of [is] same, he try to rationalize this intuition by [doing/conducting] calculation [of] mathematics to prove the truth of this intuition. Very rare [of] physics [do/conduct] both the things this seklaigus. ordinary [of] physics [do/conduct] [is] only developing intuition without verification [of] correct mathematics or only degrading formulation [of] mathematics to a[n certain experiment ( or make fenomenologi model) without keen intuition capable to connecting [him/ it] with other experiment.
During its life, Pauli experiencing of many sorrow which [is] beruntun. Its mother, Berta Camilla Schutz, sudden pass away in the year 1927 because suicide. Pauli very stres because this occurence, more than anything else because he so near by and chummy with its mother. Next year [of] Pauli father menikah again with a less woman fitt in with Pauli so that [is] often referred [as] " step-mother evil". Pauli later;then do Kathe Margarethe Deppner marry on 23 December 1929. [In] have Line. New [in] first months [is] its nuptials, in sight that both is incompatible. They finally on 29 November 1930 [in]
All this sorrow making [him/ it] very depresi. So its it[him] Pauli so that he look for aid a so called psikiater [of] Carl Gustav Type of sailing boat [in]
Although have time to live in a period of/to is bleak, Pauli in the reality have never let the problem of its person influencing its work. Exactly in the field of physics he very successful. In the year 1928, Pauli become theory physics professor [in] Federal Swiss [of]
[Is] praised [by] Einstein.
In the year 1932, Pauli propose existence a[n particle which [is] mass [do] not which [is] named [by] netrino to explain peluruhan [of] radium element. In the reality in the year this 1956 neutrino [is] found experimentally. Idea about this neutrino represent one from three result of biggest masterpiece [of] Pauli making Pauli recalled as one of [the] jenius [in] physics area. Two other idea [is] about Pauli eksklusi principle and quantum mechanics development.
Time win Nobel Physics, Pauli [do] not come to Stocckholm to assist at delivery [of] the Noble prize because he [is] residing in
Pauli continue to have masterpiece [in] physics area until he pass away because cancer pain on 15 December 1958 [in] Zurich.
Di posting Basyar at 8:25 PM 0 comments
Teori Einstein di Uji
NASA make special satellite to prove accuracy two Einstein theory. told [by] Theory of relativity [is] Albert Einstein year 1916 ago just still draw attention. To test its truth, National Aeronautics Space Administration and ( NASA) repeatedly raise research proposal. Since raised [by] year 1959, project of examination [of] theory of relativity continue to experience of postponement and even have time to be refused [by] its execution. Technical problem mentioned over and over becoming its[his] [him/ it].
But, nowadays the project have that get green light. NASA even also let ripen preparation [of] its execution. A special didesain satellite by NASA and Stanford University to test two elementary estimate in around laid open time and room by jenius by Einstein.
Satellite to wear [by] [is] B gravitation satellite which they mention Gravity Probe B ( GP-B). Satellite designed by Stanford University constructively fund from this NASA have been drawn up [by] since year 1959. Its plan, the satellite will be launched on the date of 17 April 2004 coming [in] Vandenberg Irrigate Force Base, California, United States ( ACE).
This satellite [of] space will 640 km above surface [of] Earth. Plane Antariksa without that body will encircle Earth. He really didesain to test the truth of the forecast of Einstein about coming [from] time and room. Including also the truth of problem how Earth pembentuk items and other space object influence room structure and time. [In] this space plane heart there are four ping-pony ball seukuran quartz ball. That undefiled made ball it is said. To ascertain its accuration, the ball made cool with temperature come near zero.
that Quartz ball [is] placed in biggest vacuum thermos which have been thrown out space. making [of] Ball quartz also figure in insulation process from all kind of trouble, including voice vibration. That fact [of] dipaparkan by Anne Kinney as astronomical division director and NASA physics.
So beyond space and ready to rotate, ball direction will change. That friction will be watched to tighten by [all] researcher. Of course that if real correct Einstein. If that wrong name researcher, its occurence of course will differ. Einstein have a notion time and room form structure able to be formed with existence of a object, like Earth. Attendance [of] Earth will form time and room. Like formed of [by] hollowing [is] put down [by] bowling ball above surface [of] soft matras. That hollowing happened because gravitation influence.
Two next year, other researcher voice its opinion. According to them, giration a its mass [of] nya will draw time, turning around structure a[n object. If its theory [of] correctness, Earth giration and mass a few/little will have an effect on to direction movement [of] quartz ball in satellite. Its friction even also can be measured.
Sagging effect ( previous wrap) have have been measured. But that way, pelintir effect ( twist) of[is so-called frame-dragging , have never been detected directly. Gravitation B satellite aim to to express both [of] the effect. This project [is] expressed [by] Kinney will take place during 16 months.
Even so, roll-out of this B gravitation satellite still enter category of[is project of which can be delayed any time. its Postponement base also plenty (of). Strarting from weather problem till technical problem.
This satellite merely have launching window one second. If all condition of imprecise launching according to plan, count down launching time will be direct desist. Will that B gravitation satellite glide and prove the truth of the forecast of Einstein? We justly await.
Satellite Gravitation B.
And technician Fisikawan from Stanford University [is] during the time recognized [by] andal make exotic technology to support research entangling satellite. This, Gravity Probe B alias B gravitation satellite [is] also made by skillful hand [of] Stanford researcher. This represent attempt [of] relativity gyroscope which [is] fund by NASA.
Project of B gravitation satellite have remarkable technical history. When its project [is] first time raised [by] [in] early year 1960-an, needed to technology run this project [is] at all not yet been created. During more than 40 year, immeasurable [of] technical mystery [is] finally opened. It is of course, finding blessing coming from is immeasurable [of] industrial type.
This attempt will check correctly change as small as any from fourth rotation direction [of] gyroscopes which [is] space 400 mile above Earth. put down Gyroscopes in soundproof tube and that air will become room reference system and perfect time.
This satellite will measure how time and room turned with existence of Earth. More than that, Earth giration effect to time and room even also can be. Both [of] this effect have wide [of] implication to nature of and great jagad structure. Even so, its implication to Earth spelled out members is small.
Di posting Basyar at 8:22 PM 0 comments